トップ記事髙折恭一院長が2021 Annual Pancreas Club MeetingにおいてLifetime Achievement Awardを受賞しました

 本年(令和3年)11月11日、オンライン開催された2021 Annual Pancreas Club Meetingにおいて、当院の髙折恭一院長が「Lifetime Achievement Award」(生涯功労賞)を受賞しました。

 Pancreas Clubは、1966年に米国で創設された最も歴史ある膵臓学に関する学術団体で、日本をはじめ世界各国から膵臓外科医・内科医・研究者が参加しています。Lifetime Achievement Awardは、Pancreas Clubが授与する最高位の賞で、膵臓癌の治療成績向上と膵臓外科手術の発展への永年にわたる貢献が評価され、受賞に至ったものです。現在、髙折医師は当院で院長を務めるとともに、現役外科医として高難度の肝胆膵外科手術の指導を行っており、膵臓・肝胆道外科外来の診療を担当しています。


Lifetime Achievement Award of the Pancreas Club was awarded to Dr. Kyoichi Takaori, President of Nagahama City Hospital

 On November 11, 2021, the Lifetime Achievement Award was given to Dr. Kyoichi Takaori at the Honoree Ceremony during 2021 Annual Meeting of the Pancreas Club, which was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

 The Mission of the Pancreas Club, since its founding in 1966, is to promote the interchange of ideas between pancreatologists throughout the world. Lifetime Achievement Award is the highest recognition of the Pancreas Club. For the longtime contributions of Dr. Takaori towards the improvement of therapy for pancreatic cancer and further development of pancreatic surgery, the leaderships of the Pancreas Club have decided to dedicate the Award to him this year. Serving as the president of Nagahama City Hospital, Dr. Takaori presently practices advanced pancreatic surgery and outpatient care for patients with pancreatic diseases. 

PancreasClubAward_President Kyoichi Takaori.jpg

↑2021 Annual Pancreas Club Meeting 掲載記事



